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smk Discussion started by smk, on Tuesday, 09 June 2015 11:17
For those interested in meditation and connecting through the heart, Drunvalo Melchizedek and his wife Claudette conduct seminars. I attended a session done my Drunvalo in  the 80's and it was fabulous.  He is without ego on what he teaches and shares his experiences.

 He has written two books on the flower of life. Both are very good.

His website is spiritofmaat.com. You may access his free monthly newsletter with articles written by a variety of people

On the website, he sells products. The harmonizers are from Slim Spurling. He has a geobuster 
"A Geopathic Stress Removal Device Invented by Colin Stabile

Written by Cal Garrison

It was Doctor Ernst Hartmann who, back in the early part of the 20th Century, brought our attention to the effects of what has come to be known as Geopathic Stress. His research proved that long term exposure to these lines of telluric energy is a fundamental cause of all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical illness on this planet. He also discovered that short term exposure to these negative frequency zones can lead to headaches, insomnia, and/or an overall sense of malaise. Human beings are not the only ones affected by these invisible force fields; animals, plants, trees - every living thing responds negatively to Geopathic Stress."

An excerpt from the site.  I have used the geobuster and it does really great work.

Any questions, feel free to contact me.