Pentagon warns of economic collapse due to pandemic -- Jade Helm?
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Vaughn Carey
Added on
26 April 2015
Possible consequences of a collapse in economic activity and law and order after a viral pandemic… Viral pandemics are a major threat to the United States, perhaps amongst...
Possible consequences of a collapse in economic activity and law and order after a viral pandemic Viral pandemics are a major threat to the United States, perhaps amongst the worst we have ever faced. Pandemics may occur naturally, by an accidental release from a laboratory, or bioattack by a nation state or terrorist organization. Bioengineering and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are particularly dangerous. The technology is advanced, widespread, and inexpensive. Some scientists believe that a new, bioengineered GMO could pose an “existential” threat to our species. Even if the virus is not very lethal, the breakdown in economic activity and loss of law and order that ensues could kill millions of Americans if the collapse is severe and enduring. Today’s world is more dependent on “just-in-time” deliveries of food and essential supplies, more vulnerable to disruptions in economic activity, and generally less able to survive quarantine situations. “Collapse” (defined here as a cessation of most economic activity and widespread lack of law and order for a prolonged period of time) is likely to result from a viral pandemic or other disasters that trigger panic, loss of food/water/medicine for many citizens, and subsequent breakdown in law and order. The U.S. military, and National Guard in particular, will play a key role in recovering from a severe pandemic, especially in avoiding or coping with a collapse in economic activity and law and order. Most of the guard troops deployed for Hurricane Katrina response and recovery operations were used to support law enforcement. Looting and violence in other recent public disturbances also suggest that military forces will be needed during a pandemic to back up security at medical facilities, help law enforcement maintain order, conduct quarantine enforcement, and transport (or escort) food and essential supplies. Cancel Save changes Pentagon warns of economic collapse due to pandemic -- Jade Helm?