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Female -
About me
I'm a 2nd grade teacher. I have just finished my 19th year! My husband has done a bit of everything (teacher, youth pastor, mechanic, army reserves, truck driver, etc.). Both of our fathers were veterans. My dad was drafted in WWII and his dad a 30 year marine and served in Vietnam, Korea, Bay of Pigs, etc. We want to help with the veterans and pastoral retreats. My husband plans to return to school to be certified as a chiropractor. I am writing children's books that cover a variety of subjects: bullying, manners, the foundation of America, death, holidays, geography, etc.
Contact Information
NM -
City / Town
Hobbs -
United States
College / University
Me -SBU; Husband- Campbell University, SEBTS, West Georgia University -
Graduation Year
1987; 1984, 1990, 1997
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